Monday, 2 December 2013

Making Polite Request ( Video Review )

Hello everybody.
I'm going to review of my understanding of a video from my lecture's google account. It's about how to make a polite request in daily conversation.
Well, here some summary that I've made about the content of the video. The video is about the way to make polite request. To make polite request we could use :
- Please
- Could you please ( can be use in any contact )
- Would you
- Can you ( in informal conversation, you better use "could" for formal conversation )
- Would you mind

For answering request we can use this sentence :
- Of course.
- Never mind.
- Yes, I will
- With pleasure.
- No, you can use it ( for would you mind )
- etc.

For refusing the request you could say :
- Sorry, i ..
- I'm afraid if you cant ...
- etc.

For further u.understanding you can see this video here.