Monday 2 December 2013

Making Polite Request ( Conversation Example )

O.k, I will share a conversation as the example of polite request. The speakers are Erika and Andrew . Here it is :

E : Hi Andrew. How are you today?
A : Hi Erika. I feel awesome, what about you? By the way, you look fantastic today.
E : Thank you. But I don't have a good day. We have a math lesson, it was like hell, horrible.
A : How come?
E : I'm not good at it, but I know you are math star. Would you mind helping me? We are going to ride a        very important test tomorrow and I'm scared.
A : No, not at all, I would gladly help you.
E : Great. Could you come to my dorm at three this evening? Or are you busy?
A : No, I'm not. It will be a nice evening won't it?
E : I hope so. My room number 1236, fifth floor at 7p.m
A : Fifth floor? There will be alot of stairs waiting for me right? O.k I will be there at 7, bye.
E : See you.

You could also see the video here for more interesting learning.


Unknown said...

Great job, Siska. The more you listen the more you learn

Unknown said...

Thanks mam, i will keep on learning and exercising. :)